Причины возникновения тромбоза, или К чему приводит застой крови | Здоровая жизнь | Здоровье
Именно в ногах чаще всего зарождаются тромбы, которые несут опасность для жизни.
Великие и могучие клетки крови тромбоциты спасают нас от гибели практически каждый день. Именно они заклеивают ссадины и порезы, образуя болячки, которые не позволяют всей крови нашего большого тела вытечь через маленький порез.
Но у каждого явления есть «темная» сторона. Тромбоциты уж очень любят слипаться. Если их концентрация слишком велика, они могут слипаться между собой просто так, без всяких порезов. Так образуются тромбы, которые блокируют ток крови и нарушают работу всей кровеносной системы.
Кроме того, сосуды страдают при хирургическом вмешательстве и неправильном питании – на них откладываются холестериновые бляшки. Все действия, связанные с необходимостью тужиться (это и роды, и подъем тяжестей, и поход в туалет при запоре), ухудшают отток венозной крови от ног и угрожают сосудам.
Самое модное и действительно информативное исследование на сегодняшний день – это анализ на Д-димеры. Д-димер – это продукт расщепления фибрина. Своим существованием в крови он просто кричит: нерастворимый фибрин поселился в крови! Тромбы растут! Если же содержание Д-димер в пределах нормы (меньше 248 нг/мл), то с уверенностью в 97% можно констатировать полное отсутствие тромбов в организме.
Нарушение свертываемости крови может возникнуть из-за гормонального дисбаланса или нарушения обмена веществ. Самая серьезная группа риска – это женщины, принимающие оральные контрацептивы и зарабатывающие таким образом сбой гормональной системы.
Не тромбируется ли ваша кровь в венах? Об этом пора задуматься, если в ногах возникает ноющая боль, которая усиливается при надавливании. В случае роста тромба боль становится острой и распирающей, поднимается температура, голень и стопа могут отекать.
Чем же опасны тромбы? Ведь они редко полностью «затыкают» сосуд – как правило, просто ограничивают кровоток. Основная опасность тромба – не нарушение кровоснабжения ног, а возможность отрыва, или, говоря научным языком, флотации. Тромб, не очень качественно прикрепленный к сосуду, при ударе или даже неловком движении может оторваться и отправиться в большое плавание по сосудам организма. Все вены, как все дороги к храму, рано или поздно приводят к правому желудочку сердца. А сердце дальше отправляет тромб в легочную артерию. Здесь тромб и застревает.
В зависимости от размера он лишает кровоснабжения от 1 до 100% легочных сосудов. В худшем случае человек умирает в течение нескольких секунд. В лучшем – он отправляется в больницу. Симптомы легочной тромбоэмболии трудно не заметить: давление резко падает, возникает учащенное сердцебиение, человек может упасть в обморок или впасть в кому.
Там, где сосуд был когда-то травмирован или наметилась любая другая шероховатость, собираются тромбоциты. Со временем они слипаются и всей гурьбой прилипают к поврежденному сосуду. На первом этапе формирования тромб рыхлый. Если сразу же обратиться к врачу, он, вероятнее всего, назначит антикоагулянты – вещества, снижающие свертываемость крови. В организме запустится система тромболизиса – то есть разрушения тромба. И организм победит тромб! Ура!
Оторвался тромб — что это значит? Образование тромба и тромбоз
Тромб — это сгусток крови, сформировавшийся в кровеносном сосуде или в полости сердца. Опасность тромбов в том, что они мешают крови течь по сосудам и снабжать органы кислородом. Тромб может расти, в определенный момент оторваться и закупорить сосуд — в этом случае возможен летальный исход.
Тромбоз — это образование тромба. Тромбофлебит — это тромбоз с воспалением стенки вены и образованием сгустка, закрывающего ее просвет.
Самое опасное осложнение при тромбозе — тромбоэмболия, то есть закупорка кровяного русла. Когда говорят, что у человека «оторвался тромб» — это значит, что сгусток крови отделился от стенки сосуда и угрожает перекрыть вену или артерию, оставив органы без кислорода.
«Однако чаще всего тромб не отрывается, а образуется в том месте, где на стенках сосуда уже есть атеросклеротическая бляшка. В результате быстро растущий тромб перекрывает и без того суженный бляшкой просвет сосуда и у человека развивается обширный инфаркт миокарда, что чаще всего заканчивается смертью», — пояснил «Аргументам и фактам» профессор Симон Мацкеплишвили, член-корреспондент РАН, замдиректора Университетской клиники МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова.
Опаснее всего закупорка сосудов легких, головного мозга и сердца.
Формирование тромба. Иллюстрация Wikimedia
Откуда берутся тромбы?
Формирование сгустков крови — нормальная и очень важная защитная функция организма. Если человек поранился, то кровь сворачивается (происходит коагуляция) и перестает вытекать из раны. Если кровь плохо свертывается, пострадавший рискует погибнуть даже от незначительной раны.
Но вот если тромбы по какой-то причине начинают образовываться активнее, это начинает угрожать здоровью. Сгустки появляются в кровеносной системе при замедленном кровотоке, высокой вязкости крови, повреждении сосудов. Тромбы могут появляться в артериях, венах, в сердце.
Из-за закупорки сосуда органы не получают нужного кислорода (развивается гипоксия), начинается отмирание клеток. При неблагоприятном стечении обстоятельств тромб может оторваться, вызвать инсульт и убить человека.
Тромб в кровеносном сосуде. Иллюстрация Depositphotos
Как связаны тромбы и инсульт?
Инсульт — внезапное и острое нарушение кровообращения мозга. Из-за дефицита кислорода клетки мозга повреждаются и отмирают. Если не помочь человеку в первые же часы, вернуться к нормальной жизни он уже не сможет.
Читайте также: Звезды, чью жизнь сломал инсульт (19 ФОТО)
Непосредственная причина инсульта — либо разрыв сосуда (геморрагический инсульт), либо закупорка сосуда тромбом (ишемический инсульт). Ишемические инсульты встречаются вчетверо чаще. Таким образом, одна из главных опасностей тромба в том, что он может перекрыть сосуды и лишить мозг кислорода.
Подробнее читайте в материале: Что такое инсульт. Как распознать первые признаки, пока не стало поздно
Чем опасен отрыв тромба?
Точно вычислить, сколько людей гибнет из-за отрыва тромбов, невозможно. По приблизительным подсчетам — более десяти миллионов человек ежегодно, сообщают «Вести Медицина». В Европе и в США тромбоэмболия убивает больше людей, чем рак и СПИД вместе взятые.
Тромб блокирует кровоток. Иллюстрация Wikimedia / ZYjacklin
Главная опасность тромбоэмболии — внезапность. Если тромб закупоривает легочную артерию, пациент умирает внезапно, за считанные секунды.
Человек может до последнего не подозревать о проблемах. Когда у него отрывается тромб и происходит закупорка артерии, он не успевает обратиться за помощью и спастись. Так случилось с актером Алексеем Булдаковым — тромб оторвался во сне, и его нашли уже мертвым в гостиничном номере.
Окружающие также часто не могут понять опасность. Так, артист Дмитрий Марьянов жаловался на боли, но когда его спустя несколько часов привезли в больницу, было поздно. Экспертное заключение о причине смерти гласило: «Тромбофлебит глубоких вен левой голени, тромбоэмболия нижней полой вены. Разрыв стенки левой общей подвздошной вены. Обильная кровопотеря».
Совет здесь один — не занимайтесь самолечением, не ждите, при малейшем подозрении сразу вызывайте скорую помощь. Это полезно помнить и при любых других непонятных симптомах.
Дмитрий Марьянов. Фото: Wikimedia
Что такое тромбоз глубоких вен?
Тромбоз может быть венозным и артериальным — в зависимости от того, в каких сосудах сформировался сгусток. Венозный тромбоз разделяют на тромбофлебит поверхностных вен (90% случаев) и тромбоз глубоких вен (10% случаев).
Глубокие вены — это вены, которые не видны снаружи, так как расположены в мышечных каналах. При закупорке глубоких вен кровь может поступать к сердцу лишь по мелким сосудам.
Тромбоз глубоких вен — смертельно опасный диагноз. Он может нарушить кровоснабжения жизненно важных органов. Поэтому очень важно среагировать на первые симптомы и принять меры.
Иногда тромбоз глубоких вен протекает бессимптомно, но чаще симптомы заметны, это:
Отечность в месте закупорки сосуда.
Изменение цвета кожи. Зачастую цвет меняет вся конечность.
Боль не выражена, но усиливается при нагрузке на ноги.
Гипертермия — одна нога заметно теплее другой.
Если поднялась температура ноги (одна конечность по ощущениям теплее второй) — это опасный признак. Немедленно вызывайте скорую помощь, чтобы не допустить осложнений.
Можно ли защититься от тромбов?
Непосредственных причин образования тромбов три: это повреждение стенок сосудов, нарушение скорости кровотока и нарушение состава крови. Их, в свою очередь, могут вызывать многие врожденные и приобретенные факторы.
В группу риска попадают следующие люди:
Те, кто мало двигается — например, офисные работники или лежачие больные. Из-за сидячей работы замедляется кровообращение.
Беременные женщины и те, кто принимает гормональные контрацептивы. Риск тромбозов при беременности возрастает вшестеро.
Любители спиртного и курильщики. Под воздействием никотина высвобождается тромбоксан, усиливающий свертывание крови.
Люди, страдающие от ожирения, повышенного артериального давления или варикозного расширения вен.
Пациенты с сахарным диабетом, хронической болезнью легких, атеросклерозом, проблемами с печенью, перенесшие инфаркт.
Любители жестких диет и те, кто пьет недостаточно жидкости — у них повышается вязкость крови.
Те, кто регулярно подвергается стрессам.
Врожденные факторы — самые опасные, но с ними трудно что-то сделать. А вот вести здоровый образ жизни и тем самым снизить риск по силам каждому. Советы по этому поводу звучат стандартно и скучно, но действительно продлевают жизнь:
Признаки тромбов в кровеносных сосудах, и что дел
ТГВ очень важно диагностировать на самых ранних этапах, ведь тромб может сильно повредить вену, оторваться и переместиться в сосуды легких. Симптомы этого угрожающего жизни состояния могут проявляться внезапной нехваткой дыхания, острой болью в груди, ускоренным сердцебиения, непонятно откуда взявшимся кашлем, иногда с отделяющейся кровью.
При этих симптомах лучше вызвать скорую помощь.

Обычно для выявления расположения тромбов в организме используется ультразвук. Если УЗИ не выявило, где находится тромб, а симптомы тромбоза не проходят, для диагностики может использоваться МРТ. Также существует анализ на D-димер, при котором в крови выявляется начавшийся процесс образования тромбов.

В зависимости от расположения и причин появления тромбов назначается лечение, которое может включать и хирургическое вмешательство с целью удаления их из организма. Также тромбы лечат препаратами, которые разжижают кровь и препятствуют избыточному тромбообразованию. Либо применяют комплексный подход.
Чтобы принять эффективные профилактические меры, необходимо внимательно отнестись к факторам риска, которые включают в себя сосудистые заболевания, курение, лишний вес, повышенное кровяное давление, высокий уровень холестерина и диабет. Также очень важно знать ваши персональные факторы риска: наследственность и проявление симптомов у членов семьи.
Самый простой способ предотвратить появление тромбов — встать и подвигаться, если вы находитесь долгое время в сидячем положении.
Здоровье наших сосудов — очень важный фактор долголетия и общего здоровья нашего организма. Заботьтесь о себе и будьте здоровы!
По материалам: Remedy Daily
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКЖЕ: 16 продуктов, способствующих очищению сосудов
Данная статья носит исключительно информационный характер. Не занимайтесь самолечением и в любом случае проконсультируйтесь с квалифицированным медицинским специалистом перед применением на практике любой информации, представленной в статье. Редакция не гарантирует какие-либо результаты и не несет никакой ответственности за вред, который может быть нанесен вследствие использования информации, изложенной в статье.
90000 Where Can Blood Clots Form? Symptoms, Treatments, and More 90001 90002 Your body’s arteries and veins are a superhighway system designed to transport oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body. They then carry oxygen-depleted blood back from your body to your heart. 90003 90002 Normally, this system runs smoothly, but sometimes you can develop a bottleneck called a blood clot. Blood clots are solid clumps that form in the blood. They serve the useful purpose of preventing you from bleeding too much when you hurt yourself.90003 90002 Sometimes, a blood clot can form inside an artery or a vein when you have not been injured. These types of clots can be dangerous because they can form a blockage. They’re especially dangerous if they break off and travel to your brain or lungs. 90003 90002 Learn where else blood clots can form, why they can be dangerous, and how to avoid getting them. 90003 90002 Blood clots can form in many different parts of the body. Sometimes, clots can break off and travel through the bloodstream from one body part to another.90003 90002 Clots can be found in your: 90003 90002 Some clots form in small veins near the surface of the skin. Others develop in deeper veins. 90003 90002 When you get a cut that’s deep enough to pierce a blood vessel wall, blood cells called platelets rush to the opening. Proteins in the liquid part of your blood, or plasma, make the platelets stick to the hole. The proteins and platelets form a sticky plug that stops the blood from flowing out. 90003 90002 After your body heals the wound, it dissolves the clot.90003 90002 You also can get blood clots if you have a disease that makes your body produce too many red blood cells (RBCs) or platelets. 90003 90002 This is also referred to as a «hypercoagulable state.» Other diseases can prevent your body from breaking down blood clots properly when you no longer need them. Damage to the heart or blood vessels can affect blood flow and make clots more likely to form. 90003 90002 You’re more likely to get blood clots if you have one of these conditions. 90003 90026 Atherosclerosis 90027 90002 In atherosclerosis, or «hardening of the arteries,» a waxy substance called plaque builds up in your arteries.If the plaque bursts open, platelets rush to the scene to heal the injury, forming a blood clot. 90003 90026 Cancer 90027 90002 Some types of cancer can lead to tissue damage or inflammatory responses that may activate blood clotting. Some cancer treatments (such as chemotherapies) can also increase your risk for blood clots. In addition, having surgery to remove a cancer can put you at risk. 90003 90026 Diabetes 90027 90002 People with diabetes are more likely to have plaque buildup in their arteries.90003 90026 Family history of blood clots or an inherited blood-clotting disorder 90027 90002 A family history of blood clots or an inherited blood-clotting disorder (such as one that makes your blood clot more easily) can put you at risk for developing blood clots . Typically, this condition on its own will not cause blood clots unless combined with one or more other risk factors. 90003 90026 Heart failure 90027 90002 In heart failure, damage to the heart prevents it from pumping as efficiently as it should.Blood flow slows, and clots are more likely to form in the sluggish blood. 90003 90026 Immobility 90027 90002 Being immobile, or not moving for a long period of time, is another risk factor. Immobility is common after surgery, but extended air travel or car travel can also lead to immobility. 90003 90002 When you’re immobile, your blood flow can slow down, which can cause your blood to clot. 90003 90002 If you’re traveling, stand up and move around regularly. If you’re going to have surgery, talk to your doctor about ways you can reduce your risk for blood clots.90003 90026 Irregular heartbeat 90027 90002 If you have an irregular heartbeat, your heart beats in an uncoordinated way. This can cause blood to pool and form clots. 90003 90026 Pregnancy 90027 90002 Pregnancy also increases your risk for blood clots. 90003 90002 As your pregnancy progresses, your growing uterus can compress your veins. That can slow down blood flow, especially to your legs. A decrease in blood flow to your legs can lead to deep vein thromboembolism (DVT), which is a serious form of blood clot.90003 90002 Additionally, as your body prepares for delivery, your blood begins to clot more easily. 90003 90002 Clotting is important following childbirth as it will help prevent the loss of too much blood. However, this improved ability to clot can also increase your chances of blood clots prior to delivery. Moving around and staying hydrated can help prevent clots during pregnancy. 90003 90026 Unhealthy weight 90027 90002 People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have plaque in their arteries.90003 90026 Vasculitis 90027 90002 In vasculitis, blood vessels swell and become damaged. Clots can form in the injured areas. 90003 90002 Not everyone who has a blood clot will experience symptoms. 90003 90002 Any symptoms of a blood clot that you do experience will depend on where the clot is in your body. 90003 90002 Clots that form in small veins usually are not very serious. Ones that form in deep veins can travel to other parts of your body and cause a life-threatening blockage. 90003 90082 90083 A DVT is a clot that forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg.90084 90083 Pulmonary embolism (PE) happens when a clot breaks off and travels to the lungs. PE can block blood flow in the lung and make it difficult to breathe. 90084 90083 A blood clot in your heart can cause a heart attack. 90084 90083 A clot that travels to your brain can cause a stroke. 90084 90091 90002 Blood clots are a medical emergency. If you suspect you have a blood clot, you should contact your doctor or local emergency services immediately regarding treatment. 90003 90002 Blood thinners may be used to treat many different types of blood clots.Examples include warfarin (Coumadin) and apixaban (Eliquis), which belong to a group of blood thinners known as anticoagulants. 90003 90002 Clopidogrel (Plavix) is another commonly prescribed blood thinner. It’s an antiplatelet, so it works by preventing the platelets from forming blood clots. 90003 90002 Drugs called thrombolytics may be used if your blood clots are the result of a heart attack. 90003 90002 Some people with DVT and PE may have a filter placed inside their inferior vena cava 90101 90102 (90103 the vein that carries blood to the heart 90102) 90103.This filter prevent 90102 s 90103 clots from traveling to the lungs. 90003 90002 Mechanical clot removals, also known as mechanical thrombectomies, can be performed in the event of a stroke. 90003 90002 Follow these tips to avoid getting a blood clot: 90003 90113 90083 Do not sit for long periods of time. If you’re on a long flight or stuck in bed after surgery, try to get up every hour or so to move around, if possible. Staying active will prevent blood from pooling in your legs and forming a clot.90084 90083 If you’re overweight, try to lose weight. People who are overweight are at greater risk for plaque in the arteries that leads to blood clots. 90084 90083 Control diabetes and heart disease. These conditions can increase blood clot risk. 90084 90083 Do not smoke. 90101 The chemicals in cigarettes damage blood vessels and make platelets more likely to clump together. 90084 90083 Drink a lot of water. Having too little fluid in your body makes your blood thicker. 90084 90125 90002 If you’re concerned about your risk for blood clots or would like more information, speak with your doctor.90003.90000 Differences, symptoms, and when to see a doctor 90001 90002 Blood clots and bruises both affect the blood vessels, but they have some significant differences. A bruise is a noticeable mark on the skin that generally resolves over time. A blood clot is a clump of blood that has formed in deeper tissue or within a blood vessel and is rarely visible. 90003 90002 A bruise often forms while the outer layer of skin is still intact and it changes the color of the visible layers of skin. This change in appearance is due to tiny blood vessels called capillaries bursting in the area.The skin may continue to change color as the bruise begins to heal. 90003 90002 Blood clots can also result from damage to a blood vessel. When an injury occurs to a blood vessel, such as damage from a cut or impact from a blunt object, blood leaks out of the blood vessel and into the tissue around it. It forms a collection of blood that often clots, which is called a hematoma. 90003 90002 A blood clot can also occur inside a blood vessel, in which case doctors will call it a thrombus. A blood clotting problem in the body can sometimes be the cause.In other cases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other conditions can damage the lining of the blood vessel, resulting in a thrombus forming. 90003 90002 Bruises and blood clots can both be the result of damage to blood vessels. However, the causes and symptoms can vary. 90003 90012 Causes of bruises 90013 90002 Bruises typically occur after an injury, such as hard contact with an object, falling down, or breaking a bone. These types of injury can cause the blood vessels in the skin to burst.Bruises can occur anywhere on the skin. 90003 90002 The burst blood vessels leak blood, which becomes trapped and discolored beneath the surface of the skin, forming a bruise. The black and blue appearance of a bruise comes from the lack of oxygen in the trapped blood. 90003 90012 Causes of blood clots 90013 90002 Blood clots are part of the natural process of healing after an injury. 90003 90002 Damage to an area causes coagulants in the blood called platelets to collect and clump together near the injury, which helps stop the bleeding.90003 90002 Small clots are normal and disappear on their own. However, some blood clots become larger than necessary or form in places where there is no injury. Blood clots can form on their own within a blood vessel due to hypercoagulation, which requires medical treatment. 90003 90002 Many of the symptoms of bruises and blood clots can be quite similar, but certain types of clot can cause much more severe effects. 90003 90012 Symptoms of bruises 90013 90002 Most bruises tend to create similar symptoms.90003 90002 The site of the bruise will appear reddish at first, then turn to a dark blue, purple, or blackish color over the first few hours to days. A bruise will change color as it heals, typically getting lighter and more yellow until it fades completely. 90003 90002 Bruises may be sore or painful to the touch as they heal. As the marks of the bruise fade, the pain tends to lessen as well. 90003 90012 Symptoms of blood clots 90013 90002 Deep tissue blood clots, or hematomas, do not follow an exact pattern as they heal but may cause different symptoms depending on where they are in the body and which tissues they affect.Large hematomas that occur within muscles or organs often require medical treatment. 90003 90002 Blood clots within blood vessels can block the flow of blood and oxygen to parts of the tissue. This obstruction can be life-threatening as it can cause severe damage or death to cells. Some examples of severe conditions that a thrombus can cause include: 90003 90042 90043 90044 Stroke 90045: A blood clot in any of the arteries going to the brain or within the brain itself. 90046 90043 90044 Heart attack 90045: A blood clot in an artery of the heart.90046 90043 90044 Pulmonary embolism 90045: A blood clot in an artery of the lung. 90046 90043 90044 Mesenteric ischemia 90045: A blood clot in an artery to the intestines. 90046 90043 90044 Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 90045: A blood clot in any deep vein, most commonly in the leg. 90046 90063 90002 The symptoms of a thrombus vary according to the organ and tissue that it affects and can include: 90003 90042 90043 slurred speech and numbness or weakness on one side of the body, which are signs of a stroke 90046 90043 chest pain and shortness of breath, which can signify a heart attack or a pulmonary embolism 90046 90043 abdominal pain, fever, and blood in the stool, which are signs of mesenteric ischemia 90046 90043 leg pain and swelling, which are signs of DVT 90046 90063 90002 Anyone who thinks that they are experiencing the symptoms of a thrombus should seek immediate medical care.90003 90002 There are many risk factors for blood clots and bruises, some of which people can manage by making lifestyle changes. 90003 90012 Risk factors for bruises 90013 90002 Bruises are a relatively common occurrence. Bumping into a hard surface is usually enough to cause a bruise. It may not take a significant impact, so sometimes the individual will not remember how they got the bruise. 90003 90002 Although most people will get a bruise at some point, specific factors may increase the likelihood.90003 90002 Some drugs, including blood thinners, may lead to increased bleeding from blood vessels after an injury and, therefore, more bruising. This can occur with both prescription blood thinners, such as warfarin, and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, such as aspirin and fish-oil supplements. 90003 90002 Some vitamin deficiencies or bleeding disorders may also make a person more prone to bruising and bleeding, while aging tends to make the skin and blood vessels more fragile. There are also certain medical conditions that can lead to abnormally low platelets or low clotting factors, which can result in unexplained bruising or bleeding.90003 90012 Risk factors for blood clots 90013 90002 Normal wound healing can involve blood clot formation. However, there are a large number of risk factors for other blood clots forming within blood vessels. 90003 90002 Genetic predisposition is a risk factor for abnormal blood clotting. People may be more likely to experience excessive blood clotting if they have a family history of dangerous blood clots or have previously had them themselves. 90003 90002 According to the American Society of Hematology, other factors that may increase the risk include: 90003 90042 90043 smoking 90046 90043 being pregnant 90046 90043 being over the age of 60 90046 90043 being overweight or obese 90046 90043 sitting or resting for extended periods 90046 90043 having hormone therapy 90046 90043 having had recent surgeries 90046 90063 90002 Other disorders may also make blood clots more likely.Among others, these include chronic inflammatory diseases, heart failure, high blood pressure, and diabetes. People who have experienced recent trauma, such as a fall or another accident, may also be at higher risk. 90003 90002 Anyone with severe pain at the site of an injury should see a doctor for a full diagnosis. Normal bruising is rarely a cause for concern, but any unexplained bruising requires a visit to the doctor. 90003 90002 Certain severe medical conditions and illnesses can cause unexplained bruising, bleeding, and blood clots.These conditions require proper diagnosis and treatment. People should speak to a doctor about any bruises that last longer than 2 weeks or appear alongside other symptoms, such as pain or swelling. 90003 90002 Anyone who suspects that they are experiencing symptoms of a thrombus should seek immediate medical attention. It is also advisable for people who have a higher risk of developing a thrombus to see a doctor as a precaution. 90003 90002 Anyone who experiences the following should also visit a doctor: 90003 90042 90043 a deep bruise after an injury 90046 90043 a lump that is firm to the touch below the skin 90046 90043 deep aching after a significant injury, such as a bicycle or car accident, sports injury, or fall 90046 90063 90002 Many doctors will use imaging tests to help diagnose a thrombus or hematoma after they have carried out a physical examination and a review of the person’s medical history.90003 90002 Imaging tests for blood clots may include an ultrasound, CT, or MRI scan. These tests can help doctors look for blood clots both in blood vessels and within tissues and organs. 90003 90002 Doctors can generally diagnose superficial bruises by sight, taking into account any skin discoloration, tissue swelling, and other injuries. This is also the case for small blood clots under the fingernails or toenails, known as subungual hematomas. 90003 90002 Bruises do not usually require any treatment.90003 90002 However, doctors may recommend using home remedies to alleviate symptoms, for example, applying ice packs to the bruise for the first 24-48 hours and then using heat packs after that. If a bruise is particularly painful or extensive, doctors may recommend OTC pain relievers. 90003 90002 Doctors who suspect that an underlying condition is causing the bruising may run additional tests or recommend treatments for the condition. 90003 90002 Depending on its cause and the organs and tissues that it affects, a hematoma may or may not require treatment.Sometimes, these blood clots may need medical treatment or surgical procedures, particularly if they occur without injury. 90003 90002 To treat a thrombus, doctors will use medications to help prevent ongoing clotting or future blood clots. This treatment will usually require a hospital stay. Injectable blood-thinning drugs, such as heparin, can help prevent new clots from forming. 90003 90002 In cases of stroke, heart attack, or pulmonary embolism, a person may receive clot-dissolving medications called thrombolytics.Doctors may also recommend that the individual uses blood thinners going forward as a way to prevent their blood from clotting unnecessarily in the future. 90003 90002 Both bruises and blood clots often result from damage to blood vessels. 90003 90002 Bruises generally heal on their own, while the formation of small blood clots due to cuts or injury is a normal part of the body’s healing process. 90003 90002 However, blood clots in deep tissues may require further evaluation and treatment, depending on their location.90003 90002 Blood clots within blood vessels are always a medical emergency and can become life-threatening due to their effects on blood and oxygen flow. Anyone who suspects that they have a thrombus should seek immediate medical attention. 90003.90000 How Blood Clots: Platelets and the Coagulation Cascade 90001 90002 Blood Clotting or Coagulation 90003 90004 Blood clotting or coagulation is a biological process that stops bleeding. It’s vital that blood clots when we have a surface injury that breaks blood vessels. Clotting can prevent us from bleeding to death and protect us from the entry of bacteria and viruses. Clots also form inside our body when a blood vessel is injured. Here they prevent blood loss from the circulatory system.90005
90004 Our body can both make clots and break them down once they’ve done their job. In most people, a healthy balance is maintained between these two activities. In some people abnormal blood coagulation occurs, however, and their body may not be able to break clots down. A large clot inside a blood vessel is potentially dangerous because it can block blood flow in the vessel. Internal clots that form without an obvious injury or ones that travel through blood vessels are also dangerous.90005
90004 Coagulation of blood is a fascinating and complex process that involves many steps. Proteins made by the liver and sent into the bloodstream are an essential part of the process. The proteins circulate around the body in our blood, ready for action at any time. An external or internal injury is the trigger that activates the proteins and sets the blood clotting process in motion. 90005
90002 Hemostasis Steps 90003 90004 Hemostasis is the process in which bleeding is stopped. It involves three steps, which are listed below.90005
90014 90015 90016 Vasoconstriction 90017: narrowing of damaged blood vessels to reduce blood loss. This is caused by contraction of the smooth muscle in the wall of vessels. 90018
90015 90016 Activation of platelets: 90017 activated platelets stick to each other and to collagen fibres in the broken walls of blood vessels, forming a platelet plug that temporarily blocks blood flow. The platelets also release chemicals that attract other platelets and stimulate further vasoconstriction.90018
90015 90016 Formation of a blood clot 90017: the clot contains fibres that trap the platelets and is stronger and longer-lasting than the platelet plug. 90018
90002 Platelet Activation, Agglutination, and Aggregation 90003 90004 Platelets are small cell fragments in our blood. They have a somewhat irregular form but are roughly disk shaped. They lack a nucleus. Platelets are produced by budding off from a larger cell in bone marrow called a megakaryocyte. They play an important role in the initiation of a blood clot.90005
90004 The first step in healing a wound is the activation of platelets. When platelets touch the damaged wall of a blood vessel, encounter turbulence in blood flowing around a wound, or encounter specific chemicals in the blood, they become «sticky». They bind to the injured cells in a wound as well as to each other. During this activation process, the platelets become more rounded in shape and develop spikes. 90005
90004 Activated platelets form a mesh, or a platelet plug, that covers and fills a wound.The plug temporarily stops bleeding and is a very helpful emergency response to a wound. It’s quite weak, however, and may be removed by flowing blood unless it’s strengthened by a blood clot. The activated platelets in a plug release chemicals that are needed by the blood clotting process. 90005
90002 An Overview of the Blood Clotting Process 90003 90004 The blood clotting process is complex and involves many reactions. However, the process can be summarized in three steps. 90005
90014 90015 A complex known as a 90016 prothrombin activator 90017 is produced by a long sequence of chemical reactions.90018
90015 The prothrombin activator converts a blood protein called 90016 prothrombin 90017 into another protein called 90016 thrombin 90017. 90018
90015 Thrombin converts a soluble blood protein called 90016 fibrinogen 90017 into an insoluble protein called 90016 fibrin 90017. 90018
90015 Fibrin exists as solid fibres which form a tight mesh over the wound. The mesh traps platelets and other blood cells and forms the blood clot. 90018
90027 90004 Prothrombin and fibrinogen are always present in our blood, but they are not activated until a prothrombin activator is made when we’re injured.90005
90002 The Coagulation Cascade: Blood Clotting in More Detail 90003 90004 Blood clotting occurs in a multi-step process known as the coagulation cascade. The process involves many different proteins. The cascade is a chain reaction in which one step leads to the next. In general, each step produces a new protein which acts as an enzyme, or catalyst, for the next step. 90005
90004 The coagulation cascade is often classified into three pathways-the extrinsic pathway, the intrinsic pathway, and the common pathway.90005
90004 The 90016 extrinsic pathway 90017 is triggered by a chemical called tissue factor that is released by damaged cells. This pathway is «extrinsic» because it’s initiated by a factor outside the blood vessels. It’s also known as the tissue factor pathway. 90005
90004 The 90016 intrinsic pathway 90017 is triggered by blood coming into contact with collagen fibers in the broken wall of a blood vessel. It’s «intrinsic» because it’s initiated by a factor inside the blood vessel. It’s sometimes called the contact activation pathway.90005
90004 Both pathways eventually produce a prothrombin activator. The prothrombin activator triggers the 90016 common pathway 90017 in which prothrombin becomes thrombin followed by the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. 90005
90004 Although dividing the coagulation process into extrinsic and intrinsic pathways is a useful approach to the topic and is a widely used tactic, scientists say that it’s not completely accurate. For many students of this complex process, however, it’s the best solution for understanding blood clotting.90005
90002 Clotting Factors 90003 90004 The chemicals involved in the coagulation cascade are called clotting or coagulation factors. There are twelve clotting factors, which are numbered with Roman numerals and given a common name as well. The factors are numbered according to the order in which they were discovered and not according to the order in which they react. 90005
90004 Other chemicals are needed for blood clotting in addition to those numbered in the coagulation cascade. For example, vitamin K is an essential chemical in the blood clotting process.90005
90002 Studying the Blood Clotting Process 90003 90004 At the high school level, the discussion of blood clotting often begins with the prothombin activator and the previous steps before its formation are ignored or summarized very briefly. At the college or university level, a more detailed knowledge of the process may be needed. 90005
90004 Students sometimes find that studying the coagulation cascade is a challenge, especially when reactions in the cascade must be memorized. Videos from a reliable source can be helpful because they show the blood clotting process visually and can be paused and replayed as necessary.It may be useful to make notes based on a video and then ask an instructor for clarification if necessary. Making frequent diagrams of the cascade can also help a student to memorize the reactions. 90005
90004 Sometimes different sources present slightly different versions of the coagulation cascade. This is due to our lack of precise knowledge of some of the steps or the fact that a published version has not been updated with the latest discoveries. If you’re studying blood clotting at an educational institution, the version of coagulation that your instructor gives you will be the «official» version.90005
90002 Anti-Clotting Mechanisms in the Body 90003 90004 Though the ability to coagulate blood is essential, it can be dangerous if it occurs inappropriately. The body has ways to prevent this from happening. 90005
90004 The endothelium is the layer of cells that lines the inside of a blood vessel wall. The smooth surface of the endothelium discourages clot formation when there is no injury. In addition, there is no exposed collagen inside a blood vessel. Collagen is a fibrous protein that provides strength to tissues.When blood contacts collagen, the clotting process is stimulated. 90005
90004 Another factor that prevents unwanted clots from forming is the fact that the clotting proteins in the blood are present in an inactive form. They only become active when the body is wounded. 90005
90004 A chemical called Protein C acts as an anticoagulant by inactivating two of the activated coagulation factors (Factor Va and Factor Vllla). Protein S helps Protein C do its job. The two proteins are very useful for preventing blood clotting.90005
90002 Removing Blood Clots 90003 90004 When a blood clot has served its function and the tissue underneath it has been repaired, the clot needs to be removed. In addition, it’s important that any clots inside a blood vessel do not become large enough to block the vessel. Fortunately, the body is able to deal with these problems. 90005
90004 Fibrinolysis is the process in which fibrin is destroyed by an enzyme called plasmin. Plasmin cuts the fibrin threads up into smaller pieces, which can then be further broken up by other enzymes and removed from the body in the urine.90005
90002 An Impressive and Vital Process 90003 90004 A healthy body protects us by clotting blood when we’re injured, removing clots when they’re no longer needed, and preventing clots from growing too big. The normal blood clotting process is certainly complicated, but it’s also amazing. Learning more about the process may help researchers discover ways to improve coagulation as well as prevent it from occurring inappropriately. 90005
.90000 Blood Clot in Stomach: Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis, Outlook 90001 90002 Deep vein blood clots, also known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), typically form in the lower legs, thighs, and pelvis, but they can also occur in your arms , lungs, brain, kidneys, heart, and stomach. Blood clots in the stomach are referred to as abdominal blood clots. 90003 90002 Read on to learn more about blood clots in the stomach. 90003 90002 Symptoms of blood clots vary from person to person. You will not always have symptoms with a blood clot.They are unique to the part of the body that is affected by the clot. Symptoms also depend upon how quickly the clot has formed and its size. 90003 90002 Typical symptoms of an abdominal blood clot can include: 90003 90002 It’s possible that abdominal blood clots may be the first sign of undiagnosed cancer. In a nationwide study in Denmark, researchers found people with a blood clot in an abdominal vein (venous thrombosis) were more likely to receive a cancer diagnosis within three months of the blood clot diagnosis compared to those in the general population.The most common cancers were liver, pancreatic, and blood cell cancer. 90003 90002 Cancer, in general, increases the formation of blood clots. Damage to veins, along with sluggish blood flow, is believed to also increase the chance of abnormal blood clots in cancer. 90003 90002 More research is needed to understand the further connections between abdominal blood clots and cancer. 90003 90002 It’s normal for blood to clot in response to a cut or injury. It’s the body’s way of preventing you from bleeding to death.But sometimes you can develop a blood clot without an injury. These types of blood clots are dangerous because they interfere with an organ’s blood flow. Blood clots can form in any part of the body, including the abdomen. 90003 90002 Some factors may increase your risk for developing blood clots. These include: 90003 90020 90021 immobility, such as from taking a long plane ride or having prolonged bed rest 90022 90021 surgery 90022 90021 family history of blood clots 90022 90021 polycythemia vera (an abnormally high number of red blood cells) 90022 90021 hormones, including estrogen and progesterone found in birth control pills and hormone therapy used to ease symptoms of menopause 90022 90021 pregnancy 90022 90021 smoking 90022 90021 cirrhosis 90022 90021 appendicitis, and other abdominal infections, which may rarely lead to abdominal blood clots in veins as a result of the bacteria and inflammation 90022 90021 abdominal trauma or injury 90022 90021 inflammatory bowel disease 90022 90043 90002 Seek immediate medical help if you have symptoms of an abdominal blood clot or are at increased risk for this condition.90003 90002 If your doctor suspects you have a blood clot in your abdomen based on your symptoms, physical exam, and medical history, they will likely order a CT scan of your abdomen and pelvic region to help visualize your intestinal tract and organs. They may also recommend an ultrasound and MRI to visualize blood flow through your veins. 90003 90002 Blood clots are usually treated with anticoagulants. Anticoagulants are medications that thin the blood and prevent the clot from growing larger, recurring, or developing more clots.These drugs do not dissolve the clot. 90003 90002 Typical blood thinners used include: 90003 90020 90021 heparin, which is given intravenously through a needle in your arm 90022 90021 warfarin, taken in pill form 90022 90021 enoxaparin (Lovenox), an injectable form of heparin that can be given under the skin 90022 90043 90002 Eventually, the clot is reabsorbed by the body, although in a few number of cases it never completely disappears. 90003 90002 Surgery or applying clot-busting medications directly to the clot may be needed in cases of large, potentially organ-damaging or life-threatening blood clots.Treating the cause of the blood clot is required as well. 90003 90002 Abdominal blood clots are rare. But blood clots, including clots in your abdominal region, are serious, especially if the clot breaks away and lodges in the lungs, causing what’s known as a pulmonary embolism. 90003 90002 To reduce your risk of forming abnormal blood clots, control the factors that you can: 90003 90020 90021 Lose weight if you’re overweight. 90022 90021 Quit smoking. 90022 90021 Talk to your doctor about all your options for birth control.90022 90021 Walk around every hour or so during the day, especially on plane rides or long car trips. 90022 90021 Limit your alcohol intake. 90022 90043 90002 If you have a history of blood clots or have several risk factors, talk to your doctor about the treatment that’s best for you. This often involves taking blood thinners daily. 90003 90002 With treatment, most people recover from blood clots with no or limited long-term effects or complications. Recovery time depends of cause, location, and organs affected by the clot.Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions during this time to improve your outcome and decrease your risk of complications. 90003.