Частота пульсовых волн в минуту определяется числом сокращений миокарда. Оно, в свою очередь, увеличивается или уменьшается в зависимости от потребностей организма. Один из основных показателей эффективности сердечных сокращений – минутный объем, то есть количество крови, которое перекачивает сердце за 1 минуту. Этот объем зависит от количества крови, выбрасываемой сердцем за одно сокращение (ударный объем) и частоты сердечных сокращений. Таким образом, при любых состояниях, сопровождающихся уменьшением ударного объема или увеличением минутного, возникает учащенный пульс 100 ударов и более в минуту.
Пульс учащается и при недостатке кислорода в крови. В этом случае для обеспечения потребностей организма сердце начинает биться чаще, увеличивая минутный объем крови и восполняя дефицит кислорода в тканях.
Наконец, частота пульса зависит от состояния вегетативной нервной системы. Ее узлы и стволы независимо от сознания человека регулируют деятельность внутренних органов, в том числе и сердца. Активация симпатической нервной системы связана с реакцией страха, защиты, нападения, и ведет к учащению пульса.
Любые внешние влияния на перечисленные звенья регуляции частоты пульса или внутренние заболевания, приводящие к их нарушениям, могут сопровождаться пульсом выше 100 ударов в минуту в состоянии покоя.
Причины такого повышения могут быть естественными (физиологическими), быть проявлением функциональных нарушений или симптомом заболеваний. Обычно это связано со стрессом, тревожностью, приемом кофеина, курением, употреблением спиртных напитков. Пульс также учащается у беременных женщин.
Если упало давление и одновременно участился пульс до 100 — 104 ударов в минуту и больше, необходимо прекратить физическую активность, сесть, выпить горячий сладкий чай, но не очень крепкий. Это поможет поднять давление, при этом рефлекторно замедлится пульс.
В случае если регистрируется пульс 100 при нормальном давлении, можно принять успокаивающий препарат – валериану, настойку пустырника, корвалол, Новопассит.
Это могут быть симптомы серьезного заболевания.
Пульс 115-120 и 125-130 что значит в покое: норма или болезнь?
При ускорении работы синусового узла (синусовой тахикардии) регистрируется учащенный пульс. Его увеличение от 115 – 120 и до 125 – 130 ударов в состоянии покоя является признаком неблагополучия в организме, в таком состоянии можно наблюдать как высокое, так и низкое артериальное давление. Исключение делаем лишь на детей в возрасте около полугода, для которых такая ЧСС является нормой.
При нагрузке пульс 115 – 130 – обычная реакция организма.
Далее мы поговорим о разных состояниях, сопровождающихся таким увеличением сердцебиения.
Когда пульс от 115 до 130 – это норма?
При увеличении частоты сердечных сокращений до такой величины рекомендуется найти возможность и зарегистрировать ЭКГ. Нормой, и только в определенных условиях, будет являться обнаруженная при этом синусовая тахикардия.
У здоровых людей синусовая тахикардия до 130 в минуту может возникать в таких условиях:
- физическая нагрузка – ходьба, легкий бег;
- у нетренированных людей, особенно пожилых, подобное учащение ЧСС может быть признаком слабой выносливости, то есть низкой толерантности к физическим нагрузкам; при этом тахикардия возникает даже при подъеме на 1 – 2 этажа;
- увеличение пульса вызывают и сильные эмоции; однако при этом ЧСС редко превышает 110 – 120 в минуту;
- употребление большого количества кофеина или энергетических напитков также может стать причиной увеличения пульса до таких цифр.
В состоянии покоя пульс 115 – 120 является нормой у детей 6 месяцев; у детей более старшего возраста он регистрируется при плаче, физических нагрузках.
[irp posts=»2448″ name=»Пульс у детей: таблицы по возрасту в норме, при тахикардии и брадикардии»]
Когда нужно обратиться к врачу?
При тахикардии необходимо обратиться к врачу, если она сопровождается такими симптомами в состоянии покоя или при небольшой физической нагрузке (медленная ходьба, подъем на 1 – 2 этаж):
- одышка;
- ощущение нехватки воздуха;
- быстрая утомляемость;
- бессонница;
- снижение аппетита;
- снижение работоспособности;
- боль в груди;
- головокружение или обморок;
- головная боль;
- чувство тревоги, страха.
Нередко учащение пульса сопровождается повышением, или, наоборот, падением артериального давления. При длительном учащенном сердцебиении уменьшается выделение мочи, конечности становятся холодными на ощупь. Это признаки недостаточного кровоснабжения тканей.
Степень выраженности симптомов сильно зависит от основного заболевания. В частности, при сопутствующей ИБС увеличение пульса до 115 – 130 нередко сопровождается развитием приступа стенокардии – боли в груди.
Синусовая тахикардия характеризуется постепенным началом и завершением. Если пациент ощущает, что приступ начинается внезапно и так же заканчивается, возможно, у него возникают эпизоды ускоренного предсердного ритма, которые наблюдаются при заболеваниях сердца.
Синусовая тахика
Пульс 109 что это значит — Cardio
Когда у человека нормальное сердцебиение, его пульс не превышает допустимых показателей. При этом он хорошо себя чувствует, у него не возникает проблем с сердечным ритмом. Но в некоторых случаях скорость пульсовых волн отклоняется от нормы, что отражается на состоянии пациента.
В этой статье мы расскажем об отклонении пульса в сторону повышения — как и почему возникает такая аномалия, какими симптомами сопровождается. Также выясним, что нужно делать до приезда врачей, какие лечебные мероприятия способны привести пульс в норму.
Норма пульсовых волн, возможные отклонения
Пульсом называют величину, которая отображает частоту сокращений сердечной мышцы. Он измеряется в количестве ударов за единицу времени (минуту). Такая величина очень не постоянна, поскольку может меняться под воздействием внешних факторов. Чаще всего на пульсовые колебания влияют:
- время суток;
- положение тела;
- физическая активность;
- прием пищи;
- эмоциональные переживания.
При измерении пульса очень важно определить показатели, которые характерны для человека в состоянии покоя. При этом нормальными считаются колебания от 50 до 100 ударов за минуту. Для взрослого пациента существуют определенные рамки пульсовой активности, которые зависят от следующих факторов:
- Возраста. Для человека молодого хороший показатель в спокойном состоянии — от 60 до 80. Для пожилых людей характерно увеличение пульсовых колебаний до 90 и более ударов.
- Половой принадлежности. Принято считать, что женщины более эмоциональны, поэтому даже в состоянии покоя их пульс слегка завышен. Особенно выражено это состояние после наступления менопаузы.
- Степени тренированности организма. Например, спортсмены способны контролировать свое сердцебиение.
Пульс 110 определенно считается завышенным. При систематическом возникновении такого показателя следует проконсультироваться с врачом и пройти обследование. Если у пациента насчитывается 110 ударов пу
90000 Fast Beats, Slow Beats, & Dangerous Symptoms 90001 90002 Heart rates can vary from person to person, but what’s considered normal? And when is a heart rate considered dangerous? Read on to learn more. 90003 90002 When your heart rate is too fast, it’s called tachycardia. For adults, a fast heart rate is generally defined as a heart rate over 100 beats per minute. 90003 90002 However, what’s considered too fast may also depend on your age and overall health. 90003 90002 There are many different types of tachycardia.Their classification is based on their cause and the part of the heart they affect. Experiencing tachycardia may be temporary. 90003 90002 Some possible causes of tachycardia can include: 90003 90012 90013 an underlying health condition 90014 90013 anxiety or stress 90014 90013 fatigue 90014 90013 heavy caffeine consumption 90014 90013 heavy alcohol consumption 90014 90013 electrolyte imbalance 90014 90013 fever 90014 90013 intense or strenuous exercise or physical activity 90014 90013 side effects from medication 90014 90013 cigarette smoking 90014 90013 certain drug use (such as cocaine) 90014 90035 90002 When your heart rate is too slow, it’s referred to as bradycardia.Bradycardia is typically defined as a heart rate that’s less than 60 beats per minute. 90003 90002 For athletes and people that exercise regularly, a heart rate of under 60 beats per minute is normal and even healthy. 90003 90002 Some possible causes of bradycardia include: 90003 90002 As mentioned earlier, both tachycardia and bradycardia can be indicators of an underlying health condition. If you’re experiencing either, you could have an underlying condition that requires medical evaluation and treatment.90003 90002 Tachycardia can be caused by an underlying health condition such as: 90003 90002 Bradycardia can be caused by the following conditions: 90003 90002 If you experience a heart rate that’s too high or too low for an extended period of time, it can lead to a variety of potentially serious health complications, including: 90003 90002 You should visit your doctor if your heart rate is consistently above 100 beats per minute or below 60 beats per minute (and you’re not an athlete). 90003 90002 In addition to a heart rate, you should look out for other symptoms such as: 90003 90012 90013 being short of breath 90014 90013 fainting 90014 90013 feeling dizzy or lightheaded 90014 90013 feeling fluttering or palpitations in your chest 90014 90013 having pain or discomfort in your chest 90014 90035 90066 90067 Emergency symptoms 90068 You should always seek immediate emergency care for the following symptoms: 90012 90013 chest pain lasting longer than a few minutes 90014 90013 difficulty breathing 90014 90013 fainting 90014 90035 90077 90002 Your doctor may use a variety of diagnostic tools to help diagnose your condition, including: 90003 90012 90013 90067 Electrocardiogram 90068.Also referred to as an ECG or EKG, this diagnostic tool uses small electrodes to record the electrical activity of your heart. Your doctor can use the information collected to determine if heart abnormalities are contributing to your condition. 90014 90013 90067 Imaging tests. 90068 Imaging can be used to assess if there are any structural abnormalities in your heart that may be contributing to your condition. Possible imaging tests can include echocardiogram, CT scan, and MRI scan. 90014 90013 90067 Laboratory tests.90068 Your doctor may order blood tests to determine if your condition is caused by something such as an electrolyte imbalance or thyroid disease. 90014 90035 90002 Once a diagnosis is made, your doctor will work with you to develop a plan to treat and manage your condition. 90003 90002 Depending on the findings from the diagnostic tests, your doctor may refer you to a cardiologist. A cardiologist specializes in treating and preventing diseases of the heart and circulatory system. 90003 90002 You should always aim to take good care of your heart.This includes doing things like exercising regularly, eating a heart-healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight. 90003 90002 Additionally, you should plan to visit your doctor regularly for physicals. Not only is it good practice, but it can also help with early detection of things like high cholesterol or blood pressure abnormalities. 90003 90002 If you already have heart disease, you should carefully monitor your condition and stick to your treatment plan. Take all medications as instructed by your doctor.Be sure to promptly report any new or worsening symptoms. 90003 90002 Some additional preventative health tips to help keep your heart healthy and happy include: 90003 90012 90013 Find ways to reduce stress. Examples of ways to do this can include things like yoga or meditation. 90014 90013 Limit your caffeine intake. Using too much caffeine can lead to increases in heart rate. 90014 90013 Moderate your drinking. Women and men over 65 should only have one drink per day. Men under 65 should only have two drinks per day.90014 90013 Quit smoking. Smoking increases your heart rate and quitting can help bring it back down. 90014 90013 Be aware of medication side effects. Some medications can affect your heart rate. Always be aware of possible side effects before taking a medication. 90014 90035 90002 Your heart is a muscular organ that works to pump oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the tissues of your body. The muscles of your heart contract and relax to push blood through your blood vessels. 90003 90002 You can feel that movement of blood through your blood vessels as your pulse.This is the number of times that your heart beats in one minute. It’s estimated that over a 70-year period, a person’s heart may beat over 2.5 billion times! 90003 90122 Normal resting heart rate for adults 90123 90002 Your resting heart rate is when your heart is pumping the minimal amount of blood that your body needs because you’re at rest. Normal resting heart rate can vary from person to person, but for most adults, it’s between 90067 60 and 100 beats per minute 90068. 90003 90122 Normal resting heart rate for kids 90123 90002 Children’s heart rates are normally faster than those of adults.According to Cleveland Clinic, the normal resting heart rate for a child aged six to 15 is between 70 to 100 beats per minute. 90003 90002 Many factors can affect your resting heart rate, including your level of physical activity. In fact, highly trained athletes can have a resting heart rate of around 40 beats per minute! 90003 90002 Other factors that can affect resting heart rate include: 90003 90012 90013 90067 Age. 90068 You may find that your resting heart rate decreases as you get older.90014 90013 90067 Temperature. 90068 Your heart rate may increase slightly when you’re exposed to hot temperatures. 90014 90013 90067 Medication side effects. 90068 For example, medications such as beta-blockers can lower your resting heart rate. 90014 90013 90067 Emotions. 90068 If you’re anxious or excited, your heart rate may increase. 90014 90013 90067 Weight. 90068 People who are obese may have a higher resting heart rate. This is because the heart has to work harder to supply the body with blood.90014 90013 90067 Body positioning. 90068 Heart rate can increase temporarily when you move from a sitting to a standing position 90014 90013 90067 Smoking. 90068 Smokers tend to have a higher resting heart rate. Quitting smoking can help bring it back down. 90014 90035 90002 Resting heart rate can vary from person to person and be influenced by a variety of factors. A normal resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. 90003 90002 Both tachycardia and bradycardia can be indicators of other health conditions.If left untreated, they can lead to potentially serious health complications. 90003 90002 If you’re experiencing a heart rate that’s consistently too high or too low, you should make an appointment with your doctor. 90003.90000 ADT Pulse® | FAQs | What is ADT Pulse? 90001 90002 ADT Pulse is ADT’s home and business automation system.It combines home security with automation features that let you manage, monitor and modify your home from almost anywhere. You can remotely arm and disarm your home’s security system, display video monitoring, control temperature and lights, receive alerts and custom notifications, as well as lock and unlock doors. The interactive home touchscreen is easy to use and you can access ADT Pulse on your mobile phone or tablet device. ADT Pulse is available for residential and business customers. 90003
90002 Password Tips and Tricks 90003
90007 To avoid login errors, we ask that Pulse users do not use any of the following special characters in your password:% & + • ¥ £ ¢ € Keep in mind that if you use an auto-generated password, you may not be aware it is using one of these characters.90008 90009
90007 For security reasons, the app does not work on «rooted» or «jailbroken» phones to help mitigate the impact caused by malware, viruses and spyware. We recommend using https://mobile.adtpulse.com as an alternative to accessing your Pulse system on your mobile device. 90009
90002 For specific FAQs about the ADT Pulse App, go to our ADT Pulse App page. 90003
.90000 How to check your pulse 90001 90002 If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. How this works. 90003 90002 ‘Pulse’ is one of the most well-known medical terms. It is widely familiar as a measure of the heartbeat. 90003 90002 The pulse is a crucial measure of the heart rate. An extremely slow pulse combined with dizziness can indicate shock and help identify internal bleeding. 90003 90002 A pulse that is too quick, on the other hand, points to high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.90003 90002 With practice, it is easy to take your own pulse and those of other people. 90003 90002 But what is the pulse, why is it important, and what is the best way to find and measure the pulse? This article gives straightforward guidance. 90003 90014 Fast facts on checking your pulse 90015 90002 Here are some key points about checking your pulse. More detail and supporting information is in the main article. 90003 90018 90019 As the heart pumps, the arteries expand and contract. This is the pulse.90020 90019 The pulse is easiest to find on the wrist or neck. 90020 90019 A healthy pulse is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). 90020 90025 90002 The pulse is the expansion of the arteries. This expansion is caused by an increase in blood pressure pushing against the elastic walls of the arteries each time the heart beats. 90003 90002 These expansions rise and fall in time with the heart as it pumps the blood and then rests as it refills. The pulsations are felt at certain points on the body where larger arteries run closer to the skin.90003 90002 Arteries run closely to the surface of the skin at the wrist and neck, making the pulse particularly easy to find at these points. 90003 90002 Here are the simple steps needed to take a pulse at the wrist. This is known as the radial pulse: 90003 90034 90019 Turn one hand over, so it is palm-side up. 90020 90019 Use the other hand to place two fingertips gently in the groove on the forearm, down from the fold of the wrist and about an inch along from the base of the thumb. 90020 90019 When the position is right, you should feel the pulsation of your heart beat.90020 90041 90002 The pulse can also be found on the neck using two fingers in a similar way. Gently press into the soft groove on either side of the windpipe. 90003 90002 This is the pulse running through one of the carotid arteries. These are the main arteries that run from the heart to the head. 90003 90002 Less easy places to find a pulse are: 90003 90018 90019 behind the knees 90020 90019 on the inside of an elbow when the arm is outstretched 90020 90019 in the groin 90020 90019 at the temple on the side of the head 90020 90019 on the top or the inner side of the foot 90020 90025 90002 The video below, presented by a nurse, explains how to take a pulse: 90003 90002 Once the pulse has been found by following the steps above, hold still and carry out the following steps: 90003 90034 90019 Use a timepiece or watch with a second hand, or look at a clock with a second hand.90020 90019 Over the course of a minute or 30 seconds, count the number of beats felt. 90020 90019 The number of pulses over a minute is the standard heart rate measurement. This can also be calculated by doubling the number of pulses felt over 30 seconds. 90020 90019 The pulse should be between 60 and 100 bpm. 90020 90041 90074 90002 The heart should beat steadily, with a regular gap between each contraction, so the pulse should also be steady. 90003 90002 As a general rule, adults will have a resting heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm).In general, people with better physical fitness will have slower heart rates than pepole who exercise less. Athletes, for instance, may have a resting heart rate of just 40 to 60 bpm. 90003 90002 However, it is normal for the heart rate to vary in response to movement, activity, exercise, anxiety, excitement, and fear. 90003 90002 If you feel that your heart is beating out of rhythm or at an unhealthy speed of under 40 bpm or over 120 bpm, and this can be felt when taking a pulse, discuss this with a doctor.90003 90002 You might also feel that your heart has missed or «skipped» a beat, or there has been an extra beat. An extra beat is called an ectopic beat. Ectopic beats are very common, are usually harmless, and do not need any treatment. 90003 90002 If there are concerns about palpitations or ectopic beats, however, visit a doctor. 90003 90002 Hospitals use monitors that can check the heart rate and the pulse. Heart rate monitors are available for home use and are also available online. 90003 90002 If you use a home monitor, you should: 90003 90018 90019 check with your doctor that is has been validated 90020 90019 take your blood pressure at the same time every day 90020 90019 take several readings and record the results 90020 90025 90002 A clinical development of recent years is the wide range of products now available on the consumer market for personal health monitoring 90003 Share on PinterestCardiac monitors are used in hospital settings to track the vital signs of patients.90002 Numerous devices can be connected to software apps for mobile phones, and there are a number of health monitoring wearables available that combine the hardware and software in one device. 90003 90002 The United State (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a page listing a number of the apps cleared by the health product regulator. This might be a good place to start. 90003 90002 Devices are now available that connect to software apps for mobile phones. Some devices for home use include both hardware and software.Some provide readings equivalent to those of an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine. 90074 90003 90002 It is easy to measure a pulse and it can give a useful indication of your state of health. 90003 90002 If you have any concerns regarding your heart rate, speak to a doctor. 90003.90000 Weak Pulse: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment 90001 90002 Your pulse is the rate at which your heart beats. It can be felt at different pulse points on your body, such as your wrist, neck, or groin. 90003 90002 When a person is seriously injured or ill, it may be hard to feel their pulse. When their pulse is absent, you can not feel it at all. 90003 90002 A weak or absent pulse is considered a medical emergency. Usually, this symptom indicates a serious problem in the body. A person with a weak or absent pulse will often have difficulty moving or speaking.If someone has this condition, call 911 immediately. 90003 90002 You can identify a weak or absent pulse by checking a pulse point on someone’s wrist or neck. It’s important to check the pulse correctly. Otherwise, you could mistakenly report a weak pulse. Follow these instructions to check each pulse point: 90003 90010 90011 90012 Wrist: 90013 Place your index and middle fingers on the underside of their wrist, below the base of their thumb. Make sure to press firmly. 90014 90011 90012 Neck: 90013 Place your index and middle fingers next to their Adam’s apple, in the soft hollow area.Make sure to press firmly. 90014 90019 90002 If you identify a weak or absent pulse in someone, call 911 immediately. 90003 90002 Once you find their pulse, count the beats for one full minute. Or count the beats for 30 seconds and multiply by two. This will give you their beats per minute. A normal resting heart rate for adults is 60 to 100 beats per minute. 90003 90002 You should also assess the regularity of the pulse. A regular pulse, meaning your heart beats at a consistent pace, is considered normal, whereas an irregular pulse is considered abnormal.90003 90002 Some people may normally have a weak pulse. In this case, equipment can be used to measure their pulse properly. One type of equipment is a pulse oximeter. This is a small monitor placed on someone’s fingertip to measure the oxygen levels in their body. 90003 90028 Related issues 90029 90002 Other symptoms may be present with a weak or absent pulse. These symptoms include: 90003 90002 The most common causes for a weak or absent pulse are cardiac arrest and shock. Cardiac arrest occurs when someone’s heart stops beating.90003 90002 Shock happens when blood flow is reduced to vital organs. This causes a weak pulse, rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing, and unconsciousness. 90003 90002 Shock can be caused by anything from dehydration, infection, severe allergy attack to a heart attack. 90003 90028 Emergency care 90029 90002 If someone has a weak or absent pulse and no effective heartbeat, you should perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). 90003 90002 Before beginning, determine whether the person is conscious or unconscious.If you’re not sure, tap on their shoulder or chest and ask loudly, «Are you OK?» 90003 90002 If there’s no response and a phone is handy, call 911. If someone else is available, ask them to call 911 for you. If you’re alone and the person is unresponsive because of suffocation — for example, from drowning — perform hands-only CPR for one minute. Then call 911. 90003 90002 To give chest compressions: 90003 90048 90011 Lay the person on a firm surface. Do not move them if it looks like they might have a spinal injury or head injury.90014 90011 Kneel down beside the person’s chest. 90014 90011 Place one of your hands on the center of their chest, and place your other hand on top of the first. 90014 90011 Lean in with your shoulders, and apply pressure to the person’s chest by pushing down at least 2 inches. Make sure your hands are positioned in the center of the person’s chest. 90014 90011 Count one, and then release the pressure. Keep doing these compressions at the rate of 100 per minute until the person shows signs of life or until paramedics arrive.90014 90059 90002 In 2018, the American Heart Association released updated guidelines for CPR. If you’re not trained in CPR but would like to be, call your local Red Cross for information on classes in your area. 90003 90028 Follow-up care 90029 90002 At the hospital, the person’s doctor will use pulse-monitoring equipment to measure their pulse. If there’s no effective heartbeat or the person is not breathing, emergency staff will administer appropriate care to restore their vital signs. 90003 90002 Once the cause is discovered, their doctor will prescribe necessary medications.Or they may give a list of things to avoid, such as foods that cause allergic reactions. 90003 90002 If necessary, the person will follow up with their primary care doctor. 90003 90002 A person may have bruised or fractured ribs if they received CPR. If their breathing or heartbeat stopped for a significant amount of time, they may have organ damage. Organ damage can be caused by tissue death from lack of oxygen. 90003 90002 More serious complications may occur if they had no effective heartbeat and their pulse was not restored quickly enough.These complications can include: 90003 90010 90011 coma, caused by lack of blood and oxygen to the brain, typically following cardiac arrest 90014 90011 shock, caused by insufficient blood pressure to the vital organs 90014 90011 death, caused by lack of circulation and oxygen to the heart muscle 90014 90019 90002 A weak or absent pulse can be a serious problem. Call 911 if someone has a weak or absent pulse and is struggling to move or speak. Getting treatment quickly can help prevent any complications.90003.